
Hi, my name is Anya Kelleye.  I live in Tennessee near the beautiful Appalachian Mountains.  I am married to my childhood sweetheart and have a son who is very much a combination of us both. And he plays drums. Very loudly. And a lot. He also plays guitar and piano. Did I mention he plays drums? *looks for cracks in the walls*

I’m also a graphic designer. I love creating things, always have. Cover art is my passion. I’ve designed lots and lots of book covers over the years. It amazes me every time I see one of my creations pop up online. I learn something new every day to improve my designs. I hope I never stop learning.

I’m a published author as well. At the moment I have two books out under the pen name, Kelleye Richards. I co-write with my friend, E.R. Richards. We write paranormal romance and love working together. It’s challenging at times, but oh so worth it. We mesh so well, it’s like we share a brain. LOL Weird at times too. Check out our BloodMoon & Magic series if you like vampires, shifters, and witches and more at http://www.KelleyeRichards.com

I have a full-time job in accounting that takes up more of my day than I care to have. Perhaps one day I can do more design and writing instead. That’s what I really want. So that’s what I’m working towards.

Thanks for checking out my blog.



3 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Anya,

    Can you send me your e-mail address so I can send you your free eBook of “Excelsior?” Thanks…

    — George H. Sirois

  2. Hi Anya

    You won the competition on my blog. Look out for the email coming through with the books attached.

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